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How to Request Funding


REVISED May 2023


- Funds must primarily serve the community within a 50-mile radius of the Grand County Courthouse in Moab, UT​;  Incidental impacts beyond 50 miles will not automatically disqualify the request, but must be explained. 

- Proposals must not be politically affiliated or religious in nature. Proposals on behalf of religious organizations that serve non religious needs are acceptable. 

- Proposal requests are limited to actions or projects that are expected to be completed within 12 months.

- A nomination form approved by our organization must be completed and submitted 10 days prior to the meeting in order to be considered. THIS FORM SERVES AS THE NOMINATION CRITERIA.

- An active member of 100WomenWhoCareMoab must submit and present the nomination.

- All causes that meet the nomination criteria and which have not received funds within the past 12 months from 100WomenWhoCareMoab will be considered.

- In order to keep the focus and funds within our community, national charities will not be considered, however, local branches of national charities are eligible for consideration. The purpose is for 100% of the contributions to stay in the Moab area and impact Moab community members. 

- If a proposal that otherwise meets the nomination criteria is not selected for consideration two meetings in a row, that cause automatically is eligible to be considered in the next meeting.

- The individual/organization receiving funding must agree NOT to use the members’ names for future solicitations, nor give the information out to the public.




-Active members may present one cause per quarter. 

-Members may not present a cause with which they are directly affiliated more than once in a calendar year.  

-The member agrees to provide a 5 minute presentation about the cause and why it should be funded by the group during a meeting.

- The member may invite a guest to answer questions from the group. Any question and answer period shall not last  more than 5 minutes. 

- Each member agrees to support the wishes of the group with her financial contribution, regardless if she supports the mission of the nominee or agrees with the selection.

- A member may re-submit a funded nominee for consideration again after one year has passed.

- Members present at the meeting either in person or by Zoom will decide how the funds are allocated. The group may decide to split the funds. 




Whenever more than three proposals (all of which meet the nomination criteria) are submitted for consideration and the total funds requested exceed the amount generated by the membership, the Communications Coordinator(CC) of the 100 Women Who Care Moab may decide to use this procedure to reduce the number to three or some other number determined to be manageable.


  1. The CC will provide a copy of the nomination summary form of each proposal in an email to the entire active membership of the 100 Women Who Care Moab at least 7 days before the meeting date. 

  2. Each active member shall vote on the group of proposals by ranking them via survey in the member’s order of preference with #1 being the first choice and then in descending order of preference; #2 for second choice, #3 for third choice, etc. Each member has 3 days to respond to the survey with their rank order.

  3. The votes will be tallied by the CC and the specified number of top vote getters will move forward to be presented in person to the members participating in the quarterly meeting.


This procedure is only for the purpose of reducing the number of proposals to three or some other manageable number, if necessary. It will not determine which of those proposals actually receive funding.  That decision will still be made by the members participating in the quarterly meeting either in person or by Zoom. 




Members present at the quarterly meeting, either in person or via the internet, are eligible to vote for who receives the funds from 100WomenWhoCareMoab group. Each member will have the opportunity to vote YES OR NO ON ALL THE REQUESTS INDIVIDUALLY. 

Procedure for voting;

  1. Consider the smallest amount or most urgent request 1st - vote yes or no.

Urgency gets priority and would be voted on first. Urgent requests will be fully funded if approved by the group.

  1. Consider the next lowest amount requested - vote yes or no.

  2. Consider the largest amount requested last - vote yes or no. 





  1. 10 days prior to the quarterly meeting nomination submissions are DUE on the approved nomination form. These may be submitted electronically, by mail, or in person to the Communications Coordinator. 

  2.  IF there are more than 3 nominations requesting funds that exceed the total amount generated by the membership for the current quarter then 7 days prior to the quarterly meeting an email survey will be sent to all 100WomenWhoCareMoab members asking them to rank order the nominations they want to move forward to in-person presentations at the meeting..

  3. Members have 3 days to respond to the survey.

  4. 3 days prior to the quarterly meeting members will be informed via email of the nominations to be presented in person at the quarterly meeting for potential funding.

©2021 by 100 Women Who Care Moab. Proudly created with

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